Hello and happy April to everyone!
.06d was released in the forums over the weekend and it's now live on the main Holdem Manager website. This version saw lots of bug fixes for various hand importing issues along with every module of Leak Buster being updated.
- Leak Buster Updates
- Fixed Stars HU sngs being recognized as 4 man tourneys
- Fixed Bad Beat Jackpot on UB rake issues – Fix implemented but may need more tweaking
- Fixed No sng results showing for Entraction HU sngs
- Fixed No sng results showing for Ipoker DONS
- Fixed Vs Player filtering out side pots
- Fixed Everest Wrong Limits being recorded 10nl
- Fixed Ipoker.it import errors
- Fixed Merge Super Turbos importing as turbo hands
- Fixed Ongame Importing wrong stake for ante hands
- Fixed PLO8 importing some hands as PLO
- Fixed Full Tilt BLT Satellite Summaries Not Importing
- Fixed No Limit 2-7 single draw imported in error
- Fixed Export Issue with special characters
- Fixed Everleaf tourneys not importing hands
- Fixed Ipoker Double Up showing as incomplete
- Fixed FTP $1.5 million guaranteed wrong win amount
- Fixed 50/50 ICM to use 60/10/10/10/10
- Fixed Stars finish positions for 50/50 tournaments
- Fixed 888/Pacific HU SNG EV diff not calculating
- Fixed 888/Pacific fixed issue with turbo speed not being recognized
- Fixed Boss Network MTT tournament import error
On to some insider news. A new version of TableNinja has been rumored and it's so close to being released. OK, I'll spill the beans. It's TableNinja PartyPoker. The TableNinja team is still tying up some loose ends, but expect it to hit before the month is over. This is not an official announcement, just speculation on my part.
New Stats – These are also in the later stages of development and we can expect them soon.