Increase Your Poker Knowledge
Play different forms of poker to increase your overall poker knowledge.
Play different forms of poker to increase your overall poker knowledge.
If you haven't noticed, HM2 Poker Software now has a Priority Support Tool available right from the Support menu on our main website. The Priority Support Tool will cut down on the time it takes to get support for the most common support related inquiries. The most common issues customers have with HM2 […]
Holdem Manager 2’s HUD Settings and Report Filters are seeing an update streamlining multiple windows in HM2 poker software. HUD Settings / General Settings are now broken down into four main categories: Common Settings Mucked Cards HUD Font Advanced Settings Breaking these options down minimizes what users see on a single screen. If you remember […]
John over at Leak Buster is organizing a study group for all NL Holdem poker players. Read the article here: Here is a little information from the link above about the new Study Group: This is going to be the ongoing study group thread for Polished Poker: Vol. I on cash games. The […]
Our friends over at PokerStrategy released a video on editing the HM2 Poker Software’s HUD. While the video is in German, we’re hoping to see an English version down the road. Watch Pimp Your HUD Video (German) Update: We’ve been told a Russian version of this video is in the works. More videos from […]
Saturday July 27th, Ziga and I will be answering questions about everything related to Holdem Manager poker software on Holdem Manager’s Facebook page. It’s an open forum and we’ll create a log of all the questions for possible posting at a later date. To participate or lurk, like us on Facebook then join us Saturday […]
We will be discontinuing the HM2 iPhone App and MY HM sections of our website effective 08/01/2013. HM Cloud Alpha has significantly more functionality than the HM2 iPhone App and more is being rolled out in HM Cloud Alpha over the next few months. HM Cloud can be run from any browser and is designed […]
GrinderSchool’s at it again with a couple new poker coaching videos using HM2 poker software. Today’s videos feature a session review and live play by GrinderSchool coach, KillsAids. If you want to see all the HM2 Coaching Videos, add the HM2 Coaching Video Widget to your Home Page inside of HM2. […]
School might be out for summer, but it's always a good time to study poker. All professional poker players study the game away from the table and here is your chance to do the same. LeakBuster recently released a 100% free eBook covering NL Holdem. (111 Pages!) It's quite a read covering a ton of […]
We've been informed has a ton of video content for Russian NoteCaddy users. These are in depth videos on how to use software. The best part… They are 100% free. If Russian isn't your native tongue, we also offer English NoteCaddy videos in the HM2 Coaching Video Widget. […]