All month long we’re giving you an inside look at NoteCaddy poker software; NC license giveaways, NC coaching videos and a developer Q&A to wrap up the month.
NoteCaddy License Giveaway
By participating in our social media conversations you are automatically entered into a drawing to win one of three copies of NoteCaddy. *Store credit if you already have a NC License. All you need to do is participate in the discussions.
Log into Facebook or Twitter and post how HM2 improved your game, or your favorite HM2 features for your chance to win.
HM2 Pro's Approach – The Power of NoteCaddy
NoteCaddy’s innovative solution to note taking brings actionable information to your finger tips increasing win rates. BlueFire Pokers, Alan Jackson explains how to exploit opponents using NoteCaddy in this month’s Pro’s Approach video.
Developer Q&A
To wrap up the month we’re having a live Q&A session with the NC developer. Date and time will be announced one week before the end of the month.
Did You Know Videos
Hold’em Manager is excited to offer you a tailor made video series, loaded with tips and tricks to help you get the most out of HM2. Today we highlight HM2’s exclusive Street by Street HUD that updates the HUD in real-time with new stats based on what street the action is on. How cool is that!