Holdem Manager 2’s HUD Settings and Report Filters are seeing an update streamlining multiple windows in HM2 poker software.
HUD Settings / General Settings are now broken down into four main categories:
- Common Settings
- Mucked Cards
- HUD Font
- Advanced Settings
Breaking these options down minimizes what users see on a single screen. If you remember the old HUD Settings / General Settings, you were presented with 30+ options on a single screen. Now they are broken down into smaller chunks so you are not overwhelmed with options.
FAQ Link for New HUD Settings / General Settings
The next UI update comes to Report Filters / Basic Filters. The same theory is applied here minimizing what options are displayed on the screen at one time. Now you can open:
- Game Stakes and Number of Players
- Common Filters
- Position and Action
- Vs Player
FAQ Link for New HUD Report Fitlers / Basic Filters
This HM2 update will be available very soon.
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