If you don’t know, NoteCaddy is the hottest thing to hit the poker software market in recent memory and today we learned about a new feature that will benefit Rush, Zoom and Fast Poker variants.
In a future build, NoteCaddy will preload all player notes so there is no delay when playing the speed poker variants. This will give you the data faster enabling you to make better decisions at the table.
To see what NoteCaddy is all about, watch the video below.
please address also the problem, that notes dont show up for all other players at zoom tables when at least one player is new to the database(=zero hands)
Is this problem written where it supposed to be adressed, where they keep it administred ?
I see the issue listed on our forums and the NC forums. I'm pretty sure this will be addressed in the next HM2 release, but to be sure, I would watch the NC forums.